Brand Strategy

What If You Could Level Up & Transform Your Business With a Custom & Authentic Personal Brand

You can finally get more dream clients and customers, make more sales, and grow you business with more clarity, confidence and ease.

Does any of this

Sound familiar?

You may be experiencing some or all of these

What if I told you…

You Are Not Alone & There Is A Better Way!

Brand strategy is a process to get your business on track and takes you into the future with confidence.

I work with female solopreneurs who want a unique and authentic personal brand, but need help defining, shaping and articulating exactly what that is so they can level up their business. I take you through a band strategy framework that follows a proven process leading to brand clarity, focus and growth of your business.

If you have made the executive decision for your business to be more strategic with your time and investing in your business, you are in the right place. Believe me, it took me along time to make that decision to invest in myself instead of trying to teach myself how to do everything.


The Authentic Personal Brand Strategy Framework

Become the best known professional for your dream clients without imposter syndrome-love your brand

It’s a comprehensive brand development intensive that’s a collaborative approach to build and develop your brand so you deeply understand and can articulate your personal brand.

The Brand Strategy 7-Step Framework

We will go through this time proven step by step process together to build your brand strategy.

We do the work to understand where your existing business stands today by you answering some strategic questions. We will understand your vision, mission and core values you hold dearly for your business. This is how we compare where you are now with a vision of where you want to be.

We start your journey by going deep and exploring the reason WHY your business exists. This is not because you want to make money as a result of your business, but Purpose is your passionate long held beliefs, but it’s the driving force behind your business.

We will work to get a stronger and intimate understanding of the market you work in and your ideal customer and dream clients. We will get a clearer customer archetype so we can understand how they feel and what they are struggling with and value and buyer persona. These will give you insights to guide you in all of your marketing and helps you keep their needs and wants top of mind for everything you do.

Creating a differentiated position in your market is key to the foundation of your brand. This helps you be unique even if you are in an industry with a lot of others providing the same service.

This guides a consistent delivery of an amazing customer experience. They define the principles you live by and include the actions, behaviors and activities that support your purpose and position.

We will discover your brands archetype (character, persona and personal traits) to attract your ideal buyers. How your brand speaks and behaves is to make that emotional connection and a personal association in your ideal buyers mind about you and your business. This will show up in your marketing including visuals, copy and website.

Within two business days, I will present to you the final results and explain their purpose so you completely understand your brand. The end result of all the activities and going deep into your brand clarity is a document based on your answers, our collaboration, my research and I compile it all together to create your new brand strategy guide. It brings everything together in a simple document with your brand strategic framework, next steps and will keep you motivated and excited about your business. You will use this to refer back to when making business decisions and when creating your branded marketing like a new logo, color scheme, copywriting, a new website, social media, and other design pieces to showcase your new brand.


Jill Kienow
Jill Kienow, Founder, Brand Strategist and Website Designer
I’m Jill

I’m going to help you get so much more clarity and confidence in your business brand so you can start generating income more quickly.

I’m a business owner and I’ve been where you are at when it comes to struggling with getting your business to the next level. I can help you get a personal brand, clearer message, and a website that gets you ideal clients that want to work with you because they feel they know, like and trust you.

Your investment


Pay 1/2 deposit to book brand strategy and balance at end of the process.

Your investment

Includes the following bonuses

Get all these great bonuses free

All of my clients have access to these goodies.

Writing Style Guide

A document used to guide you on all your branded writing style so you never forget how you decided how to say things and what punctuation and words you use.

Value $150

Website Project Management Guide

Once you have your brand strategy guide and and ready for a new website use this project management guide to make the process smoother and less stressful.

Value $175

Brand Identity Kit

A description that walks you through the process of picking out your logo, fonts, color scheme and imagery to use for your brand identity. Must have brand strategy done first.

Value $75

Achieve these results

When you complete this program this is what you can expect to achieve

Know if this is a good fit for you

You’re in the right place if:

  • You’re an ambitious solopreneur, service provider, coach or consultant who is ready to take your business to the next level.
  • You offer creative services, consulting, your an influencer, create digital products, courses in addition to 1-1 offers.
  • You’re ready and serious about investing in your business to have a brand strategy that helps you attract dream clients and make more money doing what you love.

You’re in the wrong place if:

  • You only want to create digital products, physical products and/or focus on eCommerce.
  • You’d rather focus your time skipping strategy and trying to learn and do things yourself, which in turn takes u more time and money with little results.
  • You’re not invested in long-term success and sustainability of your business.
Success story

“You saved my business and stress level.”

I found Jill because I was stressing out more and more about my business. I really had a passion for coaching people to success, but couldn’t even figure out how to present my own business online! I was just copying what others in my field were doing, but it just didn’t do the trick when it came to my own personal brand, which is everything in my business. I love my new brand and website. They have brought in my dream clients and the website helps me to generate income even when I’m not physically working!

You’ve got Q’s? I’ve got A’s.

I’ve tried to answer the top questions I get and I tend to provide a lot of detail so I hope this helps you make your final decision.

I get that question alot. First of all, good brands make you look more credible and enable you to command premium fees and help you stop competing for cheap clients. It also allows you to stop pushing your business on people and instead attracts the right people who are more than willing to pay for your expertise.

The goal of a brand (your business) is to shape the perceptions of its audience to ultimately influence their buying decision and if they hear about you or experience working with you and feel like they know like and trust you-they’ll do business with you over another.

The brand strategy is a long term plan that is structured for shaping the audiences perceptions through its various forms of brand expression including visual, verbal and digital. It is a framework to follow and involves a lot of deep thinking and work so having a professional taking you through the process is key to being successful. A logo, color scheme and font is not a brand strategy because they are just visuals used after the strategy is complete. Audiences expect to be drawn in and feel a human connection with a brand in order to do business with them. This digital world makes a human connection brand even more important than ever. The brand is your personal brand or business or product that represents you and your business reputation.

It involves thinking about and answering questions like:
Why are we here?
Who are we here for?
Where are we going?
What are we committed to?
How are we different?
Why should they care?
What’s our personality?
What’s our message?

As a brand strategist, I am the chief planner of the brand strategy and help identify and strategize who your audience is, what your brand offers, how to resonate with brand messaging, and where and when to engage with your ideal audience. I also do a lot of research on your ideal audience and possible threats or opportunities for your business.

Good question! Basically, I bring your ideal audience and your brand (business) together. I can get a little obsessive when it comes to understanding your ideal audience before coming up with positioning your brand as a perfect solution for them. I use that understanding of your ideal audience including their personality, their journey to you and emotional investment in order to formulate a plan to engage them with your perfect offerings.

I love learning about things and ended up teaching myself a lot of marketing tactics, but not a whole lot of strategy, which is what you do before actually doing marketing. 

Through the years, I’ve taken several certification courses and learned brand strategy frameworks and philosophies and web design intended to attract ideal clients and convert them into paying customers. This allows me to take clients through the framework more efficiently and accelerate the process.

These are some of the skills I’ve learned and often use for my brand strategy work:

  • Audience research
  • Competitive research
  • Brand positioning
  • Human brand persona
  • Brand messaging and copywriting direction (I prefer to have a professional copywriter do this)
  • Brand Storytelling
  • Brand naming & tagline development
  • Overseeing creative development to ensure the intended brand characteristics are visually displayed (color, shapes, typography choices, icons, logo, image & graphics) through the brand identity
  • I prefer the actual design and artwork are done by a professional graphic artist
  • Understanding neuroscience and psychology-since perceptions  need to be shaped by what people think of your brand, you need to understand how the mind works.

That’s a lot of information and probably more than you wanted to know, but I love this stuff and could talk about it forever! 

We will go through the brand strategy seven step framework listed on the page above.

This is an investment in your business. It includes a lot of work for you and for me so it does take an investment in time as well. Most people I work with are ready to invest in their business and brand strategy when they hire me.

I do not offer refunds because of the amount of time and effort the process takes. This is something you will be involved with along the whole workflow so it will become your business bible and well worth the effort.

If you’ve read through the whole Brand Strategy page and feel like we would be a good fit, get started by:

  1. Filling out the form. I will read through it and schedule a quick call to discuss your business a little more and the next steps if I think we would work well together.
  2. I’ll send you a proposal and contract and a request for a deposit to book you Brand Strategy Day.
  3. I’ll send you a questionnaire and have you provide needed details I need to help formulate your brand strategy. There will be other pre-work I’ll have you do before the actual day that must be done before we can start our actual strategy day.
  4. You will pay your balance just before the day of. I will need you to set that block of time on your calendar to be available to speak on the phone, or video call to allow me to get everything needed to do my work. It’s best if you are not preoccupied to get the best results.
  5. I’ll complete your brand strategy and you will be updated throughout the process.
  6. I will finalize your Brand Strategy Guide and send it to you as a digital .pdf document. This will be your business band strategy bible to use for all things for your business strategy and marketing.

Question not answered?

If you’ve still got questions for us or want to chat, please email us anytime! We’d love the chance to chat further, no pressure, we promise.

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Get ready to transform your business with a personal brand strategy and customer and sales focused website.

© 2022 Gotta Get Marketing

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