woman hero sitting

What is Brand Strategy

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Okay, let’s pretend you’re a superhero, and your super power is your “brand”. Just like how superheroes have a special costume, symbol, and name, your brand has a special look, symbol, and name too! You can be an independent service provider without a superhero cape on the outside, but you are a superhero in your actions and spirit. Just like this lady in the picture above.

A “brand strategy” is like a plan for how you want people to see your super powers. It helps you figure out what your brand stands for and what makes it special, so you can show that to everyone and they can remember you better. Just like how superheroes save the day and make people happy, your brand can also make people happy by giving them what they want.

So, a brand strategy is like a plan for making sure that people know about your super powers and think of you as the best superhero for the job!

Brand strategy is a plan that an individual, company or organization uses to create a certain image of itself in the minds of its customers and potential customers. It helps the company to stand out and be unique, and to communicate its values and qualities to the public [1].

Branding is an actual process or framework of defining the value and authenticity of you or your company, product, or service. It involves creating a clear set of characteristics, benefits, and attributes that make your brand recognizable and different from others [2].

In simple terms, brand strategy is like creating a plan for how you want people to see and remember your company or product. You want to make sure that people associate certain things with your brand, so that they think of your brand whenever they are actually ready and need the products or services that you offer.

Do you currently have a brand strategy in place for your business? Let me know in the comments below.