coaches + consultants + experts + influencers

Transformation & Growth for Creative Ambitious Women Solopreneurs Ready to Stand Out Online with an Authentic Personal Brand & Website.

so you can elevate your business and income
with clarity, confidence, focus and ease.

confidence & clarity

connection & joy

sales with ease

Are you feeling stuck & overwhelmed & not clear on your business purpose & website?

  • Concerned your business is not growing because you’re in information overload and overwhelmed
  • Frustrated with not getting more dream customers
  • You’re transitioning your business or relaunching it
  • It drives you crazy people don’t just “get” what you do
  • Embarrassed to send people to your website
  • You’re exhausted and your business is losing it’s luster and you just can’t seem to get it going

Imagine—reaching your full potential by transforming your business with a new authentic brand & a winning online presence in just a few weeks.

  • Exited about a more authentic, sophisticated or refined online brand that boosts their credibility
  • Feel excited and happy that you made the best investment in your business that will increase sales with more ease
  • Get more clarity on your business brand, purpose, and values that support all your business decisions, ideal clients and more
  • Have a beautiful modern updated website you absolutely love and are proud of
  • It’s set up with copy and design specifically to attract dream customers and generate leads and income
  • Work with an expert, save time and get it done now
  • Have a business you love again

You deserve a personal brand & website
that works harder than you do.


Here’s how I can help you:

I specialize in helping you grow your business, getting found online and transform your business through a personal brand strategy and customer attracting website.


Personal Brand Strategy

For creatives solopreneurs

Get a long-term strategic roadmap to guide your most important business decisions, personal brand, clarity on your business future, and dream clients so you can emotionally connect with them. Let’s make your brand personal!


Web Design in Three Days

That captures your personal brand

A website—the home base for your business and all marketing—designed, and set up to grow your business and generate income faster and with ease. Get a strategically and beautifully designed website to attract your ideal client and grow your business.


WordPress Intensive

check off those to-do items for your website

Finally, get those things done on your website in one day. Stop holding off on your website to-dos because you don’t know how or feel comfortable doing website updates or building pages. Get it done now.

Jill Kienow

I’m Jill

I help professional creatives discover & nail their personal brand so it’s authentic & purpose driven, create a perfect audience and sales driven websites, and craft compelling copy.

I’m Jill Kienow, the founder of Gotta Get Marketing. I specialize in brand archetype strategy and psychology of marketing and work with creative women like you transform and level-up their business through my services, know-how, consulting and digital products. 

I’ve been where you are now and taught myself slowly how to do brand strategy and user focused web design to get leads and ultimately more sales. I learned a lot (it’s so much more than having a pretty logo and website) and it worked, but I spent a lot of money and wasted time. I’m here to help you so you don’t go through the same thing I did..

Ready to go?

Get started with these three steps:


Book a Free Discovery Call

Begin your business transformation now by booking a call so we can look at your needs and if we are a good fit for your project.


Chat &Create a Game Plan

We’ll discuss where you’re at now and what your best next steps are. If we are a good fit, I’ll send you a proposal to work together.


Get You on the Road to Success

We go deep and create the most personal brand strategy and or website meant to attract more dream clients and grow your business.

Take the plunge!

Ready to transform your brand, website & message? Book a free, no obligation 30 minute strategy call.

Click the button below to schedule a discovery session and see for yourself what we can do together to transform your business.

Gotta Get Marketing

Get your clarity, confidence and momentum, get found online and attract and work with your ideal clients.

Stay in touch: